Code of Conduct

Your Rights and Responsibilities at Western Healthcare Group: Staff, Volunteers, and Contractors

At Western Healthcare Group, we recognize the vital role families play in the well-being of our participants. Our staff, including volunteers and contractors, are equally deserving of respect and protection in their roles.

Your Rights as Staff and Volunteers:

  • To be treated with respect and dignity.

  • To work in a safe, harassment-free environment.

  • To have your cultural and religious identities honored.

  • To maintain privacy and confidentiality.

  • To work in a professional and pleasant setting.

We are committed to protecting these rights, as they are essential to retaining the dedicated professionals who care for our clients. Families of participants are kindly reminded to treat staff with courtesy and respect, just as we ask our staff to extend the same respect to families.

Abusive behavior such as shouting, threats, or harassment towards staff will not be tolerated. Any incidents will be addressed with proper investigation, and if necessary, legal measures may be taken to ensure the safety of our staff and participants.

Should any concerns arise, families are encouraged to address issues professionally, starting with a formal grievance process. If needed, external support can be sought, as outlined in the participant handbook.

For more information, contact us at 0459 770 938 or email